by Tatum Andrews | May 10, 2018 | Food as Medicine
Yes, that’s right there actually is food growing all around us! Some may refer to them as weeds but if only they knew how nutritious and yummy these wild foods are. This article will introduce you to a few of the most common wild foods growing in New Brunswick however...
by Tatum Andrews | Apr 17, 2018 | Herb Farm
What is an Herb Spiral? The idea behind herb spirals is fairly simple: Building a circular bed with spiraled walls creates a collection of microclimates, with varying degrees of sun exposure, drainage, and the opportunity to separate bad companions and neighbor...
by Tatum Andrews | Mar 19, 2018 | Living the Herb Life
I love listening to podcasts! I listen to them all the time while I am driving, cleaning, farming, basically anytime I can! There are so many informative podcasts sharing such great information and as a life-long learner I am so appreciative of this free resource. ...
by Tatum Andrews | Mar 10, 2018 | Food as Medicine
Herbal vinegars create a great combination as they combine the healing properties of apple cider vinegar with the nutritional components of plants. Herbal vinegars can be tasty medicine that nourishes and healing our health from the inside out. Vinegar has...
by Tatum Andrews | Feb 12, 2018 | Living the Herb Life
It is so important for us to support and keep healthy all the moving parts of our complex immune system. Maintaining overall health and vitality includes things that can be done to restore and revitalize a suppressed or damaged immune system or to keep an already...